Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Marketing (Product Catagories)

So I was studying for my Marketing final, and though I should blog this for some odd reason. Products can be categorized in four categories. Those categories include: Convenience products, Shopping products, Specialty products, and Unsought products. Convenience products are products that are relatively inexpensive items that merit little shopping efforts. These would include candy, soft drinks and car washes. Shopping products are products that require comparison shopping because it is usually more expensive than a convenience product is found in fewer stores. Such items are washers and dryers, furniture, and clothing. A specialty product is a particular item that consumers search extensively for and are very reluctant to accept substitutes. These are items like Rolex Watches, Bose Speakers and Rolls Royce automobiles. Unsought products are products unknown to the potential buyer or a known product that the buyer does not actively seek, such as insurance, encyclopedias and burial plots.

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