Tuesday, December 9, 2008


One thing I regret about high school is the fact that I never learned how to truly study. Everything in high school came easy to me. All the classes had attendance policies so I couldn’t skip out, so I heard all the lectures, and was able to recall them, without studying, during the test. Now this leaves me at a disadvantage in college. I never had to work hard in high school, so now in college I have to learn how to put distractions aside and stay focused. If I had learned to properly study in high school, I wouldn’t be up at 5 am writing blogs to fill in time, between figuring out how study and then actually trying to retain a semester’s worth of information for 3 classes in one night. Maybe that also feeds in with procrastination. I’ve put these blogs off till almost the last minute, just as I put off studying for the finals I have today, back to back to back. We will see how that goes.

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